
Monday, September 28, 2009

Pray for Rifqa

I've been putting together a list of things to pray about for the persecuted church this morning. Usually the prayer concerns I share with Christ's Church are from places like India, China, and Pakistan, but God led really impressed on my heart that there are things here in America to be praying about as well. For those who have not heard about a young girl named Rifqa Bary, I encourage you to read this background info. from, or search her name yourself and read up on the case. Then watch this video.

As I researched for this post, I found a lot of people casting doubt on this situation, even Christianity Today. I'm not trying to incite hatred against muslims, I'm trying to rally people to pray for a sister in Christ who is obviously in a messed up situation. It is rare enough to see any teenager be on fire for Jesus these days, but it is especially amazing that this girl comes from a Sri Lankan family with many generations of devout muslims. Maybe there is more to this story than what she has has stated, certainly there are some Christian groups that are turning this into a battle, but the reality is that honor killings do happen, and I for one think that there must be some legitimacy to her claims.

God's word seems to make it clear that the church should support her in whatever way we can, and at the same time be sensitive to not use this to wage media wars against all muslims. May God touch our hearts as we consider Rifqa's situation and how we can love our sister in Christ. May we remember her, her parents, and the courts in prayer; dates are set for hearings on October 17th in Florida and October 27th in Ohio. May God fill us with a passionate devotion for Him that is unashamed, a devotion that Rifqa appears to have.

If you want to read more from a variety of perspectives, check out the following links:

1 comment:

Robin said...

Awesome. There's also a group on Facebook dedicated to praying for Rifqa.