"God I'm excited about your redemptive work in creation, help me to be a part of it. I look forward to the time when the lion will lay down with the lamb, and there will be no more war or tears or pain... So, I can imagine a new earth where lions are nice and cuddly, but what about the great white shark? First of all, in the time before man killed animals to eat, did that mean that no other animals killed to eat? What exactly would a shark eat if it didn't kill other fish, or seals, or even people (though they don't eat us on purpose most of the time)? Secondly, John said in Revelation 21 that he no longer saw the sea in the new heavens and earth. So is it safe to say that there won't be any sharks? What about whales? I just think they're awesome works of your creation God and at the moment its kind of sad to think they won't exist... "
That was the child-like faith moment in my prayer time I guess :) Of course God reminded me later that regardless of what creatures are around or not, that we will all be much more fixated on His glory revealed in the new world. Anybody else have any silly conversations with God lately?
Personally, I think that anyone who spends their time "talking" to something invisible is a bit silly.
Thanks for feeling free to share your opinions here, I'm afraid you won't find a retaliation to your comment from me, hopefully that is not what you were looking for. I will share that my Saviour Jesus is the image of the "invisible" God, and he made it a priority to pray to the Father who is unseen here on this earth, so I do the same. Here's a thought, when I worked at my old job I spent a lot of time on the phone with people that I never met in person. Was it silly that I talked to those invisible people too, or is that different? God is more real than any of them. I pray that you might come to talk with Him too. Hope to hear from you again Rambling Taoist. be blessed
I had a moment praying before I ate. It went about like this:
Lord thank you for providing food to eat and for giving people creativity to come up with good recipes. Hmmm... I wonder how much better food (fruits and veggies) were before the fall. Who would have needed a recipe then? everything was in its perfect state as it was intended to be. Since we are used to so much processed junk, I wonder if we'd even appreciate it. I look forward to, hopefully, one day knowing how amazing that was.
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